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This site is the documentation of:

Summit in Liseleje Denmark, Nov. 2004.

Draft for the Thin Book of Art and Organization, May/June 2006.
The writing and design of the current OA BOOK DRAFT was launched at the OA SUMMIT as a collaborative work.

Both The OA SUMMIT and The OA BOOK are reseaching notions of art & orgnanization and art & orginizing.
The collaborative writing, designing and editing of OA BOOK continues at You are much wellcome to join us.

The various elements of the OA SUMMIT and the OA BOOK DRAFT are documented on this site in a non-linear fashion.

Please touch - and click - the colored cells in the left column and explore notions of "art & organization". Refresh the site if necessary for getting access to a cell. You can also use the color index below.

What is art & organization today? More importantly, what can it become?

These questions, bubbling up from both academia and art, brought us together to write this book.

Art and Organisation has and is taking many forms—it is becoming a brilliant and confusing medley and as such, tends to defy description.
Our draft of a Thin Book of Art and Organization book reflects this, with its many varied contributions.

Co-participation of art and organisation helps surface and address questions of ‘power-balance’, steering/decision-making, the ownership of outcomes, events, story-telling, mediation and publicity.

With this comes an interest in and need for cross-disciplinarity—a desire to get rid of the intermediaries/translators and facilitate direct interaction
across disciplines.

More and more, we see artists trying to create cross-disciplinary, cross-discursive languages for mutual development (positive distractions etc, creative misunderstandings, ambiguity, and diversity).

Though the book began with the Summit, it has grown beyond it—in addition to contributions from the original summiteers, we have brought in commentary from a range of others.

Our hope is that the book - and the work on the book - will become an inspirational source for others wanting to write heavier texts or initiate new ‘art and organisation’ projects and events —there are hundreds of pointers throughout; hopefully enough to get anyone interested in this area a good beginning. We also recognize that some of this will be ‘old hat’ for some of our readers—depending on their own practical or theoretical disciplines and experiences. We ask your indulgence and hope that even the old hats will look a little better this time around, especially as they are placed next to other hats (mats, cats, packs, tracks).


Strategies for artists working in the public sphere – aladin
Complex Models for Complex Situations - Teike Asselbergs and Philippe Mairesse
Organization, Organi-ization, and Organi-zation - Daved Barry
On Ambiguity - Henrik Schrat
On Positivity and value - Patrick Mathieu
On artists motivation to work with organizations #1- REINIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT #2- Henrik Schrat
On Power Dynamics - Henrik Schrat
Smooth operators - the art intervention in an economical context - Marjolein Schaap
After Words and Forward with Art and Organisation - aladin
The Organisational Art Summit - Martin Ferro-Thomsen and Kent Hansen
Too Much Mustard for the Hot Dog - Scott Rigby
Models of how Artists and Organisations Work Together - Barnaby
The Genesis of Product and Vision - Henrik Schrat and Martin Ferro-Thomsen
Scenarios and Responses - Gavin Wade and others
Images – metaphors, models & more with fruits
Roles and Clichés of artists in organization - Philippe Mairesse
The Use of the Power of Disturbance - Philippe Mairesse
InternalCultural Communication in Siemens Arts Program - Karolin Timm
Matchmaking and entry points - Patrick Mathieu
A sketch for an OA Thin Book
Art Changes, Organizations Changes - Daved Berry, Kent Hansen and Martin Ferro-Thomsen
Industry of Vision - Kent Hansen

Why would organizations want to work with artists? - Daved Barry
Organisation and Imagination - Barbara Steveni
What is Art & Organization Today - Daved Berry, Kent Hansen and Martin Ferro-Thomsen

Both OA SUMMIT and OA BOOK DRAFT with contributions from:

aladin, CEO of alkhemi, strategist, interdisciplinary artist, magician, etc. (UK).
Barnaby Drabble, artist, curator, cofounder of Drabble & Sachs (UK/SW).
David Barry, professor (DK/US).
Gavin Wade, artist, Curator (UK).
Henrik Schrat, artist (DE).
Hilde Bollen, coordinator, The Creative Alliance (DK/B).
Karolin Timm-Wachter, Internal Cultural Manager, Siemens Arts Program (DE).
Kent Hansen, artist, founder of democratic innovation. Project manager, Centre for Art and Leadership, Copenhagen Business School (DK).
Lise Autogena, artist (UK/DK).
Lotte Darsø, research director, The Creative Alliance (DK).
Majolein Schaarp, art critic, writer, curator (NE).
Martin Ferro-Thomsen, M.A., editor, mediator and writer, TCA (DK).
Martin Keil, artist, cofounder of REINIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT (DE).
Nicola Setari, Ph.D. Fellow, Scuola di Studi Avanzati di Venezia (IT)
Barbara Steveni, artist, cofounder and director of O+I, formerly APG (UK).
Teike Asselbergs, artist, Orgacom (NE).
Tine Byrckel, writer, art critic (DK).
Patrick Mathieu, consultant, founding director of Patrick Mathieu consil, (FR).
Philippe Mairesse, artist, founding director of Acces Local (FR).
Henrik Mayer, artist, cofounder of REINIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT (DE).
Scott Rigby, collaborative artist and founding director of Basekamp (US).
Susanne Kandrup, M.A., entrepreneur, etc. (DK).

The AO BOOK DRAFT was been edited and prepared for and this site by Daved Berry, Martin Ferro-Thomsen and Kent Hansen.